Sunday, December 20, 2009

Damn Swan Dress

One thing I tend to grumble about is that many people only remember Bjork because of the swan dress that she wore at the 2001 Oscars. Not many people realize what a talented and innovative singer/songwriter/musician she really is. She has released a brilliant catalog of albums throughout her career, but the one album that I feel is where she truly blossomed as an artist is the album, Homogenic. In her earlier works, she was known to make electronica influenced pop music, but this was the album where she started to experiment other genres which included trip hop, folk and ambient music. It is also the album that took upon a much darker atmosphere, which adds a whole new dimension to her music. Bjork is also known for making great music videos. Shown below is the music video for the song, "Hunter" from her album, Homogenic.

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