Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Update, Facelift and Album Reviews

Hey everyone. As you can see, Future Phonograph just got a facelift and it's looking pretty snazzy. There is still a few things I want to add to the site, but other than that, it looks great.

Also, one quick update. Remember before when I decided to make another blog (Amplified Journal) exclusively just for my album reviews? Well, after a few months and lack of time to update the other blog, I have decided to delete Amplified Journal. More is not always good and I feel that this is good decision. I have also decided to delete all entries that pertain to Amplified Journal from this blog. My full focus is now on Future Phonograph.

By the way, those album reviews that I wrote before. I have decided to bring them back. I have posted them back according to the date and time they were originally created. Below are the direct links that will take you to them.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read my blogs. As always, keep your ears open for new music.

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